Asthma Initial Assessment


An initial asthma assessment based for users not currently diagnosed with asthma.


General Introduction:
A Huddy-supported asthma Compass can help your diagnostic and asthma management processes. Our asthma Compasses are developed based on the most recent guidelines the National Institutes of Health (NIH) proposes for asthma management. Complete your Compass and share your score summary (results) baseline levels.

Asthma Compasses also include key asthma indicators (general symptoms, sleep disruptions, low peak flow meter reading, and poor response to rescue inhalers), which users monitor in the form of trackables to yield supplementary assessment data.


Brief Description:
The Asthma Initial Assessment (AIA) is an 8-item questionnaire that assesses key indicators to detect and support the diagnosis of new asthma cases. The AIA asks you to recall your global (previous 12-month) and recent (prior 4-weeks) experiences with day and nighttime symptoms, the severity or level of impairment, use of rescue medications, and any causal factors like triggers.

You and your doctor can use this Compass to determine your risk for asthma. The AIA features 2- and 4-point Likert scale responses (yes/no, personal responses, and responses indicating a frequency). The AIA sums them to yield an overall score indicating your asthma probability. You can review your score summary by accessing or downloading your report. Your scores range from 5 (low probability) to 24 (high probability). Scores >5 indicate that you have several key indicators that increase your risk of asthma. You should consult with a medical professional to determine your next steps.


Potential use cases:
Part of a diagnostic process
To screen for new or undiagnosed asthma
To recognize patterns of inadequate asthma control
To generally assess asthma control